SW7495 4-Bit (non-latching) Shift Register
Library for sending data to the 7495 shift register. This is a simple 4-bit non-latching type which can work in parallel or serial mode.
This uses the Direct IO library to speed up the setting of the pins used to control the chip.
/* Project: 7495 4-Bit Shift Register Interfacing. * File: Shift_7495.h * Description: Interface with a 7495 4-bit shift register in * parallel or serial mode. * Uses the DirectIO library. * * Copyright (C) 2014 Marc Symonds * All rights reserved. * * This software may be used and redistributed, with or without * modification, as long as it is understood that this software * is provided as-is without any explicit or implied warranties * of merchantability or fitness of purpose. */ #ifndef ShiftReg_7495_h #define ShiftReg_7495_h #include "Arduino.h" #include "DirectIO.h" class ShiftReg_7495 { public: ShiftReg_7495(byte clockPin, byte dataPin); // Serial mode. ShiftReg_7495(byte clockPin, byte aPin, byte bPin, byte cPin); // Parallel mode. void setBit(byte bit, boolean state); void send(); void sendPrime(); void sendTrigger(); void clear(); private: DIO_SetPinFPtr _clockPin; DIO_SetPinFPtr _dataPin; DIO_SetPinFPtr _aPin; DIO_SetPinFPtr _bPin; DIO_SetPinFPtr _cPin; boolean _currBits[3]; boolean _newBits[3]; boolean _serialMode; void sendBit(boolean state); }; #endif
/* Project: 7495 4-Bit Shift Register Interfacing. * File: Shift_7495.cpp * Description: Interface with a 7495 4-bit shift register in * parallel or serial mode. * Uses the DirectIO library. * * Copyright (C) 2014 Marc Symonds * All rights reserved. * * This software may be used and redistributed, with or without * modification, as long as it is understood that this software * is provided as-is without any explicit or implied warranties * of merchantability or fitness of purpose. */ #include "Arduino.h" #include "ShiftReg_7495.h" #include "DirectIO.h" // Constructor for serial mode. ShiftReg_7495::ShiftReg_7495(byte clockPin, byte dataPin) { pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT); _clockPin = DIO_GetSetPinFunction(clockPin); _dataPin = DIO_GetSetPinFunction(dataPin); _clockPin(true); _serialMode = true; clear(); } // Constructor for parallel mode. ShiftReg_7495::ShiftReg_7495(byte clockPin, byte aPin, byte bPin, byte cPin) { pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(aPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(bPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(cPin, OUTPUT); _clockPin = DIO_GetSetPinFunction(clockPin); _aPin = DIO_GetSetPinFunction(aPin); _bPin = DIO_GetSetPinFunction(bPin); _cPin = DIO_GetSetPinFunction(cPin); _clockPin(true); _serialMode = false; clear(); } void ShiftReg_7495::setBit(byte bit, boolean state) { _newBits[bit] = state; } // Send the data to the 7495 - Serial or parallel. void ShiftReg_7495::send() { if (_serialMode) { if (_currBits[0] == _newBits[0] && _currBits[1] == _newBits[1] && _currBits[2] == _newBits[2]) ; // Don't need to do anything, the register aleady contains the bits we are going to show. else { if (_newBits[2] == _currBits[1] && _newBits[1] == _currBits[0]) sendBit(_newBits[0]); else { if (_newBits[2] != _currBits[0]) sendBit(_newBits[2]); sendBit(_newBits[1]); sendBit(_newBits[0]); } _currBits[0] = _newBits[0]; _currBits[1] = _newBits[1]; _currBits[2] = _newBits[2]; } } else { sendPrime(); sendTrigger(); } } void ShiftReg_7495::sendPrime() { _clockPin(true); _aPin(_newBits[0]); _bPin(_newBits[1]); _cPin(_newBits[2]); } void ShiftReg_7495::sendTrigger() { _clockPin(false); } void ShiftReg_7495::sendBit(boolean state) { _clockPin(true); _dataPin(state); _clockPin(false); } void ShiftReg_7495::clear() { for (byte i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { _currBits[i] = true; _newBits[i] = false; } send(); }
ShiftReg_7495 KEYWORD1 setBit KEYWORD2 send KEYWORD2 sendPrime KEYWORD2 sendTrigger KEYWORD2 clear KEYWORD2
Can you provide data sheet of SW7495J Steward Brand pls
I only have the datasheet for the TI version: